5 Physical Techniques to Stem Anger and Dive into Wellness Starting Today

Image: Sergei Mixaliuk

Image: Sergei Mixaliuk

We seem to live in a society that values quick fixes and smart pills. There’s pretty much a “hack” for everything but our health and well-being.  Let’s face it, most folks that suffer from anger or depression related metal and physical anguish are choosing, either consciously or subconsciously, to avoid one single element that can surpass the efficacy of any pill out there – physical activity.

Yes you are busy, yes you are tired, and yes you are sick so what is the next step?  Do you want to continue doing the same things over and over and expect a different result or do you want to try something that actually works?  We’ve compiled a list of five physical activities that you can undertake starting today to feel incredible starting today.


Ancient tradition of Tibetan medicine has a saying – “When the diet is right then there is no need for medicine, and when the diet is bad then there is definitely no need for medicine.” You see, what they are saying is that it does not matter what you try to do in your life to feel better if your body is not getting the right nutrients then it is like trying to put sugar-water into a Ferrari and expecting to get to your destination.

Address your diet right away for quickest results. Anger Mentor has done some good research and suggests one single element that can boost your mood right away is the Omega 3s from fish oil.  It’s been defined as the most important element for your mental health that can be easily found on the market. Consult with a good dietician and increase your intake of Vitamin B to curb the stress. In general, consume lots of veggies, legumes and low-glycemic fruits.

Avoid at all costs: coffee, refined sugar products, nutrition deficient meals, alcohol and [Read more…]

Natural Remedies vs Conventional Drugs for Depression

Natural Remedies For Depression (via Honey Colony)

By Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, Hive Advisor Depression is becoming increasingly common, but often goes away with natural therapies. Although how we feel has a lot to do with psychological issues, it can also be dramatically affected by our biochemistry.…

[Read more…]

Understanding the Grief Process: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance

image: Atilla Kefeli

image: Atilla Kefeli

Grief due to loss of a loved one in generally passes through its various stages including denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. But the same grief process can also take place due to a loss of material wealth, things with great emotional attachment, status, etc.

While some grieving people pass through all stages, others could be stuck in any one or two stages (like anger) for a longer time. Truth is, the sooner one moves to the next stage, the faster one can move ahead with normal life.

According to the Kübler-Ross model of grief, the grief process usually starts with denial and isolation, with this becoming a sort of buffer or defense against accepting the reality. After denial carries one through the first wave of grief, most people turn to anger. From doctors, objects, one to even the one who passed away, overwhelming feelings and emotions tend to take the form of anger as a way of dealing with loss. People in this stage need to be left alone, rather than be judged.

The next stage is [Read more…]

The Invisible Yet Deadly Link Between Stress and Depression?

depression leading to angerMany of us can sense, without really having to think about it, that stress can cause or exacerbate depression. Yet very few are able to put a finger on how it actually happens.  At the end of the day if we can learn about it, maybe we can stop it and feel better, don’t you think?

Stressors are all around us, causing us to feel like we never get a break and that we will never catch up. Particularly stressful events, such as getting terminated from your job or losing a loved one, are well known triggers for depression. This clear link between emotions like stress and depression has prompted a number of scientific studies, which found that there may be much more connecting the two emotions than we had previous realized.

What most people don’t realize is that stress is not just effecting you on an emotional level. It is actually causing physical changes to your brain that lead directly to depression. Stressors affect the homeostasis, or balance, in your brain that allows it to function properly. Chemicals called neurotransmitters travel throughout your brain, affecting and regulating your mood and your actions. Dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters that stimulates your brain, effecting your mood and causing feelings of reward and gratification. It is an important part of what allows you to feel pleasure. Serotonin is another neourotransmitter, which causes feelings of happiness and well-being. When something hinders the ability of dopamine and serotonin to get to your brain, it can lead to serious [Read more…]

Can Serious Brain Injury Lead to Depression and Anger Outbursts?

There could be any number of causes for feeling angry and depressed. However, if you have recently sustained a traumatic brain injury, the cause may be quite clear. Brain trauma can often lead to severe mood swings and a lack of control over one’s emotions.

A traumatic brain injury is commonly referred to as a concussion. While not all blows to the head result in a concussion, many, especially severe ones, do. Any strong impact to the head can cause traumatic brain injury, but the symptoms and severity vary from person to person and from incident to incident. The immediate symptoms include loss of consciousness, post-traumatic amnesia, and disorientation. These symptoms will fade in all but the most severe of cases, but the damage sustained by the brain can also lead to lasting psychological effects, including outbursts of anger and depression.

Many patients who have undergone a traumatic brain injury will experience episodes of anger and depression as a part of the normal recovery process. This occurs because the area of the brain that regulates emotions will often undergo trauma during a head injury that does not allow it to function [Read more…]

What is the Relationship Between Anger, Depression and Insomnia?

relationship between anger and depression pictureThe relationship between anger and depression is a complex thing, but it is also something that we subconsciously recognize. Phrases such as “depression is anger turned inward” that have found their way into common parlance clearly demonstrate that even though we are not always consciously aware of it, we all know on some level that there is a direct relationship between the two. It is perhaps this tenuous understanding that has prompted so much psychological study of that relationship.

One of the most interesting things psychologists have discovered is that depression and anger often feed each other, creating a cycle of negative emotions. The root cause of both anger and depression is stress and negativity. Generally, when something harms or provokes a person, the natural response is anger. Anger is not necessarily a negative emotion, and there are ways to properly deal with anger. However, when angry, most people will either lash out or bottle up the anger. There is a lot of pressure on people in modern society to not express anger, even in a healthy fashion, so people end up repressing their negative emotions rather than dealing with them.

The repression of this anger and other emotions is often the cause of depression, digestive issues and insomnia. All of that anger turns inward, so instead of attacking the problem, you begin to attack yourself. You begin to lose sleep. You begin to focus on your [Read more…]

Is Depression Anger Turned Inward?

anger and depression in life

Have you ever gotten angry before? Well sure you have, we all have at one point or another, and it’s OK, because it is simply another natural emotion of life. Ever felt like maybe you were depressed? Perhaps so, and that is OK too, because we all know that life has its ups and downs, and it can be hard sometimes. Unfortunately for some more then others, the feeling of anger or depression is a frequent visitor.

There are a few theories of the causes that stem from anger, some of which are betrayal, violence and one of which is certainly depression. While there are varying levels of depression, from having a bad day, to not getting out of bed in the morning, or spiraling into the real depths of agonizing depression, depression from anger can be particularly destructive.

Unfortunately, anger has become so common of a emotion, and expression of all humans, that it does not seem out of the norm (in most situations) for people to react in such a way. For instance, did you know that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) does not actually list  anger as a sign of depression? Why not? Perhaps of its common occurrence, not only with other possible disorders, but also with pure human nature. So what does all this have to do with depression?

Well, some would suggest that “depression is anger turned inward”, as the saying goes. While there are of course many causes of depression, anger is certainly [Read more…]

The Amazing Mechanics of Anger Addiction

Almost everyone knows someone who seems to have a perpetual crisis going on, erupting in anger and causing meaningless drama everywhere they go. It’s as if they have enjoy getting angry.  One begs the question: can anger be addictive?

Anger addiction is a rather new notion but not a far-fetched one. Research shows it can start developing early on, when the frontal lobe of the brain (emotional CEO) has not fully matured yet. Actually, this area of the brain is not fully formed till the late 20s. At this age, impulsive thoughts effortlessly dominate rational thinking and can cause one to go on down the path of whimsy and reckless behavior. “Look pa! I can smoke, talk on the phone and drive, all at the same time!” Sometime this behavior is called the “head-in-underwear” syndrome.

How Anger Addiction Starts

Anger addiction forms in the brain’s limbic system, which is the chair of all emotions. This system is responsible for the secretion of dopamine, the pleasure hormone. Dopamine (source of the word “dope”) is the anatomical stepping stone to addiction. It is unleashed by the brain in response to stimulants like a alcohol, sex, certain drugs, even a shopping spree. Since you like the way you feel, you learn to repeat the behavior, which in turn [Read more…]

Coping with Bipolar Disorder and Anger

If you are living with bipolar disorder, you know how greatly the symptoms can affect your life. As a result of it, you must have experienced a dramatic change in your personal relationships or have even been unable to hold a job due to sudden and uncontrollable emotions.

Possibly the most damaging symptom of bipolar disorder is anger. It usually is the root cause for many of the negative changes that you have encountered since you’ve been diagnosed, or since you began to notice the signs that you may have the dreaded disorder.

A good majority of us experience anger in some form, in varying degrees, but those suffering from bipolar disorder tend to experience these episodes of anger in a more extreme fashion. There may be sudden anger outbursts, or an exaggerated reaction to something that is typically very small in the “grand scheme of things”. This is due to the fact that the disorder is believed to be caused by a chemical imbalance within the brain but nobody knows for sure. This claimed “imbalance” not only results in an inability to focus, drastic mood shifts, an overabundance of energy, diminished decision making capability, but also moderate to severe anger.

If you do have bipolar disorder, you will find that there is  a variety of triggers which can [Read more…]

How Unmanaged Anger Can Leave You Sick and Exhausted

anger disorders and heart deseaseBy now you know that a “fight or flight” reaction is hardwired into us to address perceived perils to our survival. Under pressure, our system secretes hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, that accelerate the heart tempo and the respiratory system. At the same time, the process endows us with a burst of super power to increase our chances of survival.

This anxious state was useful in Stone Age eras – and is still valuable in a few modern situations as well. The fight-or-flight reaction gifts us with ability in making split-second judgments to whether we ought to jet off or fight in hazardous situations. One example is, you’re cruising on the motorway with your radio beat on and unexpectedly you see some disco lights right behind you that terribly look like a cop car. You look at the speedometer and are stunned to learn you’re oozing at a pleasant 90 MPH… Your heart rate is up, adrenaline is pumping…, “Damn, now what?” Do you stop the car and face the man in a uniform or maybe… run!? Joking obviously. Of course you stop but your tongue is tied, hands shaking and you understand – fear and anger is a physiological event in your body that is clouding your mind.

Besides losing peace, there’s another, more sinister trade-off for this state of ultra-preparedness. In order to [Read more…]